Because I'm not very organised I tend to have about a dozen notebooks and notepads that I write in, because I can't find the previous one when I need it. So I have notes all over the place. Today I cam across these scribblings about Soul Purpose and thought I'd share them with you:
"What is SP? It's an opportunity for young people to be involved in social action in Shrewsbury. It's for the transformation of communities and individuals with the Gospel. It should spread across Shrewsbury > ongoing, creative, dynamic
- It's not "for me" but "with me" help
- It's about hopelessness to hope
- Dark to light
- Chaos to order"
You'll have to excuse the next bit because there's quite a bit of jargon but I like it...
"To build a sense of community and see a shift in mindsets.
To have cross-generational engagement (jargon that means adults and young people!)
Challenges perceptions of the church through the active involvement of church in the community.
Impacting families and individuals."
Sounds OK to me, but what would you add?