Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Time to get cracking

Hi everyone
It's been a long time but just wanted to urge everyone to get signed up, get your mates signed up, get your dog signed up, your dad signed up (should dad be in front of the dog?), your mates dad signed up and your mates dads dog.

Basically, we've got alleys to clear, gardens to clear (including one absolute belter), fun days to run, invitations to hand out, pet shows to judge, bouncy castles and playstations, magicians to watch and pigs to eat (if that's your thing).

Toilets have been ordered (you'll be pleased to know), T-shirts, radios, generators, strimmers, BBQs and buses.

We have leaders, associate leaders and helpers, we have cash from before the cuts. We have speaker and worship leaders, we have stories to change the world (our theme), we have everything but we don't have you or probably your mates.

This is my last Soul Purpose and I'd love to go out with a bang, on a real record breaking high. So do me a favour and get signed up, today!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Delegate sign up forms - 2011

Delegate Sign Up Sheet 2011

Small Team Leader forms - 2011

Small Team Leader Sign Up 11

Assistant Leader Sign up form - 2011

Assistant Leader sign up sheet

Soul Purpose 2011 Helper Sign Up form

Helper Sign Up 2011