Sunday 25 May 2008

Soul Purpose: Day 2

Perhaps 11.21pm is not the best time to write a brief account of the day, but what a day. I've already posted Joel Preston's outstanding talk from this morning on this blog, the service was great. Gareth LeLong-McKean and band led us in worship well, Joel spoke compellingly, we were ready for the afternoon.

The weather was pretty poor all day, with constant rain but every team was impeccable in their attitude and approach. They worked hard, made great progress in their projects and continued to have an impact on a watching community. Conversations with old school friends, thank you cards, another great teenage drop in, gross things found (and kissed Mick Claes!). It never ceases to amaze me how resilient the spirit is when you know you're doing the right thing.

However that spirit was tested in the evening, it was disruptive - but we ploughed on. It was a learning experience but the amazing thing was, that God moved and we'll see what happens tomorrow as the dust settles and we hear all that has happened, but it seems some lives were impacted by what was heard and that was what it was all about.

Roll on Day 3...

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